Safe and intelligent. EVE is the smarter working humanoid collecting data from the real world.

EVE Specifications
What is EVE?
Our model EVE is a versatile and agile humanoid robot that can perform a range of tasks. EVE is equipped with cameras and sensors to perceive and interact with their surroundings. Their mobility, dexterity, and balance allow it to navigate complex environments and manipulate objects effectively.
How does EVE use artificial intelligence (AI)?
EVE operates autonomously by default, using artificial intelligence to navigate your workspace. They’re able to open doors with different handles, see people or objects from a distance, and move through unstructured space, just like people do.
EVE helps human operators with tasks, using their strength, precision, and sensors to perform tasks like patrolling through an office building and checking employees’ ID badges. EVE keeps an eye out for potential dangers or mistakes, then they report back if an operator needs to assume shared autonomy. That means the operator is in control of EVE’s motor function when it’s time for a human to take action or make important decisions.
How does EVE train NEO?
NEO is designed and trained in The Studio to understand both natural language and physical space with a combination of robotics and artificial intelligence. NEO builds on years of EVE’s real world experience. That means a task like “move that box” makes future tasks like “move that pallet” even easier.
NEO learns to take care of you and your life, so you can get back to living it. Coming soon.
Contact us to see what’s possible with humanoids in your workplace.